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Features ..
  • Cutting Style: Cross cut
  • Entry Width: 220 mm
  • Shred Size: 4×40mm
  • Shred Capacity: 25 sheets (A4 Paper)
  • Waste bin for paper: 28 liter
  • credit card: 1.0 liter
  • Input: 230VAC,50Hz,630W 3A
  • Machine Size: 360×286×602 mm
  • Net Weight: 17.38kg
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    1. When no paper in the throat, the shredder will be always cut off, and will not be turned on by pressing

    any switch on the panel except the ON/OFF switch. Potential injuries can be prevented.

    1. When inserting paper into the slot, the shredder will be turned on automatically, no need to press the

    ON/OFF switch at the back of the shredder again.

    1. Plug into a power of 230V/50Hz, press the power switch, the green power light(    ) will lluminate,

    the shredder is standby for 5 seconds, when shredding is finished。

    the shredder will be turned off automatically, power consumption is almost zero.

    1. When paper is jammed, the paper can be cleared automatically or by pressing REV/FWD switch to

    turn on the shredder to clear the jammed paper.




    1. If the paper is wider than the feed entry and is folded to fit,the paper thickness increases and the

    recommended capacity may be exceeded.

    1. If the basket is removed or ajar,the shredderwill the safety interlock
    2. If the basket does not make completecontact with the asfety interlock switch that is built into the basket

    frame, the machine will not operate

    1. when the paper is shredding, the LED light(    )blinking, that means the paper is shredding.
    2. when the LED light( ), means the basket is open or not in the right position.
    3. If the shredder is overload, it will automatically shut down and the Red LED light(    ) will illuminate

    until it is safe to resume shredding again. Please set the switch to “REV” to back the paper out of the

    unit, then clear redundant paper and press switch on ”FWD”, the machine can work normally .

    1. If the shredder is overheat , it will automatically shut down and the Red LED light(    ) will illuminate

    until it is safe to resume shredding again.

    1. The RedLED light(     ) will illuminate when the basket is full of paper, and the basket will show blue light.
    2. Do not shred labels or paper with labels affxed to them. By doing so will void your warranty. Also this

    will gum the cutting blades and cause the shredder to malfunction.


    1. Saim

      great exactly same as shown in the picture

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